alana westwood headshot rectangleAlana Westwood is a fiction and non-fiction writer based in K’jipuktuk in Mi’kma’ki (also known as Halifax, Nova Scotia). Her editorial work dissects environmental issues and policies under the microscope of science, and her creative writing ambles towards the autobiographical and sci-fi. Her work has been described as “illuminating” and “made me late for my shift.”

For a full portfolio (January 2022), click here.



iPolitics. Rebuilding from a pandemic should strive to pay off Canada’s ecological debt (with Sarah Otto).

Policy Options. Environmental assessment policy must be based on science (with Aerin Jacob, Katie Gibbs, Petr Komers, and Sally Otto).

Le Devoir. Révision de la Loi sur les pêches: le Canada est-il prêt à renouer avec la science? (with Rodolphe Devillers and Rémi Daigle).

The Scientist. Sometimes, scientists must march (with Katie Gibbs and Kathleen Walsh).

Humanist Perspectives. Sailing without a map: The need for evidence-based policies.


It’s in you to give. GUSH. Eds. Rosanna Deerchild, Ariel Gordon, and Tanis McDonald. Frontenac House: Calgary.

How to save a bird nobody likes. Picoides Vol 28, Issue 1. Society of Canadian Ornithologists.

Pausch. The Books They Gave Me. Ed. Jennifer Adams. Free Press: New York.

The view from his shoulders. Broad! Winter 2011 Issue. Eds. Heather Lefebvre and Emma Needleman. Pg 10-11.